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Everything you need to plan and execute successful and profitable
live events from start to finish

Webinar Training Program

I know you are very passionate about the work that you do and yet you probably also feel the frustration of time moving fast and your business moving very slowwly.

I understand.


After several years of trial and error I have discovered a way that will not only grow your business and visibility but also your profitability; with successful, live events that will always make you money!

Now I want to share what I have learned, tried, tested and fine tuned to show you how to do exactly what I have done.


Because I believe in community and I believe that the world needs more good leaders to build communities.

If this is you, my friend, then continue reading to learn more about this exciting training program.

  • Learn how to authentically speak to the benefits of sponsorship at your event
  • Learn how to find and pitch the ideal sponsors with confidence and ease
  • Receive step by step guidance in crafting highly successful live events that both your attendees and sponsors will come up and thank you for at the end
  • Discover how to quickly elevate your business by raising your visibility and expert status in your field
  • Aquire a repeatable system that you can use over and over again to make money with super successful live events that you love to put together

4 Webinar Module Training Sessions

Each Webinar training session will walk you through every step of The Masterful Event Process so you can become a master of

bringing on sponsors and creating lucrative events.


2 Guided Implementation Weeks

Built in implementation weeks will ensure that you are completing assignments and staying on track with each training session, providing you with accountability to utilize the training program fully.

2 Dedicated Q and A Calls

Dedicated Question and Answer calls allow you to receive real time support and coaching as you have your specific questions answered.

Recordings of Each Training Session

Recordings of each session will ensure you don't miss information even if cant make it live. Listen at your convenience.

Sales Scripts and Closing Cheat Sheets

Proven and tested sales scripts and Seal the Deal Cheat Sheets will make signing on sponsors an enjoyable and easy process.

Done for You Templates and Outlines

Done for you templates allow you to just plug in the details of your event so you save time and focus on taking action in a streamlined way.

Breathe Better Relaxation Audio +

Breathe Easy For Business Meditation

Use these downloadable audios to prepare before cold calling, having sales calls, speaking or proposing.


Master Guest Classes with Master Event Producers and Leaders

Learn from master event producers how to create community and a movement based on your message.

VALUE $450

Your copy of my personal sponsor deck

Get an inside look into the sposors deck I have used to bring in thousands of dollars of income


2 Tickets to the Sustainable Success Event

Experience an event created for you, the heart based entrepreneur, live!

VALUE $300

The total value of this program is well over $1000

The program easily pays for itself with 1-2 sponsors you bring on board to your event!

"I’ve been doing events for a while now, and every time I get stuck on something I call Monica. She is  not  only well connected, but she is so generous with her knowledge, ideas and connections. The most important thing to know about Monica is that everything she does, she does from the heart.  She’s a great person to have on your side when creating remarkable events. "


Lorena Morales

"When planning my one day events, it's been SO VALUABLE to have a constant source of answers based on actual expertise. There are so many details in event planning but with support it is somewhat easier. Having Monica on my team has helped me earn over $5000 on a single event! I will always use her."

Shane Kulman

Mastering Event Sponsorship will support you in creating community,

growing your visibility, getting new clients, honing your leadership skills

and of course making more money!

Listen, I've been where you are.
I understand your deep desire and
struggle to spread your message and
to work with as many people that want
to hear what you have to say.
I know how difficult it is to create events
because for years my workshops usually
capped at 10 attendees, even when I had a business partner (in my other business.)
Today, my events are highly successful, making me 10x's the amount of money I invest to have them, every single time, so I don't lose money anymore.
Not only have I grown my own business through events, I have built a beautiful community that is invested in my message and work.
If you are ready to step up into the next level of leadership in your work, I can show you exactly how to leverage your wisdom and skills through events.
When you work with me you won't be working with an event planner or a production company you're working with an individual who knows exactly how you can go from having small workshops to large scale events attended by 100+ people, just as I have!
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Healing *Leadership *Service
Copyright 2007- 2025 Monica Maria Aparicio
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